How to Read Health Insurance “YOU MAY OWE”

2 min readAug 15, 2021

I had a EGD surgery in April 2021. I paid $16XX to a Michigan hospital. Later I login in my United Healthcare online account. I read the claim and tried to tally the number.

You May Owe” caught my eyes — What does that mean?!

I already paid the bill to the hospital. Should I pay my insurance company again?

It feels like being grilled TWICE… Ouch!!!!!!!

WFH?! Should I pay that?

I lost in panic for 10 minutes.Pay Now” looks so tempting. It’s mocking at me for not knowing how insurance works.

Thanks to Google I finally grew up for myself tonight, a little bit. Plenty of discussions on Reddit:

“”You may owe” in UHC….. should I ignore it if I don’t get an actual bill?

Health and Dental EOB says I owe but providers said I didn’t

NO. You can ignore “You May Owe” as long as you cleared all the bills from the healthcare provider.

It’s up to the hospital/dentist/clinic/… (provider) to charge you. You don’t need to pay anything until the provider sends you a bill or invoice.

So I added the number of all the YOU MAY OWE from the all claims of the surgery VS the $16XX bill from the hospital. Yes!! They matched!! That saved my day!!!!!




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